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Rediscovering your work mojo

It can be easy to lose your ‘mojo’ at work when you’re in the second half of your career, but these tips will help you to get it back and to start to thriving again.

How to get your work mojo back

Sometimes when you’re in your second half of your career, even when you are smashing your career goals you can suddenly find you’ve lost your work mojo.  Are you at work feeling like it is just the same old same old stuff?  Do you find yourself saying “I’ve tried that before and it didn’t work” to new blood in the organisation?  Are you starting to question whether you are fulfilling your purpose in life?

This is such a common feeling for so many women who are embarking on the second half or their careers.  The problem is that getting your mojo back takes effort and motivation, which are typically the things that you are lacking during this time.  But don’t worry you can get back your drive and motivation with these easy tips.

Get active

Yes, I know it might be the last thing you feel like doing, but seriously exercise releases endorphins that give us energy.  Being sluggish and not working out will not help keep your energy levels up at either home or at work.  So leave your desk at lunchtime and go for a brisk walk or do a HIT workout first thing in the morning to start off your day the best way possible.

Don’t ignore it

Now is not the time to be an ostrich.  The feeling is unlikely to go away and it deserves exploring further.  How long have you been feeling this way?  Is it a new feeling or something that has been niggling you for a while?  Are you just tired as you’ve been working really hard lately?  Do you feel like a holiday or mini-break is in order or is it a bigger issue to fix?  It is important to be honest with yourself about how you feel.  If it is deeply rooted you may want to consider working with a coach or mentor to explore your feelings and your options further.

Employ a growth mindset

Learning isn’t just for newbies and the young.  Learning new skills is also proven to be good for the mind and our own wellbeing.  It doesn’t necessarily need to be work related either, taking up recreational learning such as cookery classes, photography or whatever takes your fancy will also reignite that learners passion.  Before you know it that enthusiasm will also resurface at work too.  Alternatively you could embark on a new course at work which will help you in your current position or help you bag that next promotion.  Working to such a goal can help to reignite the passion in your work.

Reach out to others

Share your feelings with others.  You’ll probably find that many others have been where you are at some point too.  That’s why sharing your experiences with like-minded women at Nonpareil in a safe environment can often help.  Even if others don’t offer you solutions, just talking through your feelings will give you greater clarity in your head about the issue you face.

Don’t act hastily

It doesn’t mean it is time to hand in your notice just yet.  It doesn’t mean that you will always feel this way.  Other factors such as hormonal changes may be at work and so it is worth considering whether this could be the case.  Listen to your gut and don’t be afraid of making big changes either.  If you really have a niggling feeling that you want to leave work and move onto ventures new, you could consider asking for more flexible working to fit in another direction on the side or a mini career break while you work things out.

Have a good look around

What type of people have you surrounded yourself with at work?  If they are negative disillusioned energy sappers, this will rub off on you too.  Try and surround yourself with uplifting people who are likely to inspire.  Again that is where Nonpareil can come in and help as you network and socialise with ambitious forward thinking women.

Rewrite your thoughts

Reimagine your situation.  Try and look back at how excited you were when you first started in your role.  Now sell yourself your role, remind yourself of why you initially loved your job.  What do you think you still like about it now?  Write up a perfect day at work, what would it look like and then visualise yourself in that perfect day.

Look at the whole picture  

Work is just one element of your life.  Is it work that is getting you down, or is it that other elements of your life are affecting your mood at work.

Pass it forward 

Consider passing on your skills and expertise by mentoring others.  Mentoring can give you purpose and re-engage your thinking and passion in work.  Also helping others can lead to a ‘helpers high’ which in turn boosts your mood.

If you would like to explore how to get your mojo back, we can help! Sign up for our FREE five day challenge, starting soon!

Sign up here to find out more.

Written by Helen Sandford-Taylor

Co-Founder of Nonpareil Network

Helen is an Executive Coach and Strategy Consultant. She runs her own consultancy, helping organisations and businesses develop strategies to differentiate themselves and grow successfully. She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management.