Events - Online and Face to Face

This is where you can find out about all our important upcoming calendar dates .

Coming Soon - Tackling Your Imposter Once and For All!

October 2022 at the Miskin Manor, Cardiff

Join us for our first face to face course in which we’ll be helping you overcome the dreaded ‘imposter’. Bookings will be opening soon.

If you feel that you have a niggling voice inside telling you that you aren’t good enough, then trust us you are not alone.  In our recent survey we were staggered to find that as much as 75% of working women were experiencing feelings of self-doubt or were at the mercy of the dreaded ‘imposter syndrome’.

How do you know if you have imposter syndrome?  Well, if you feel like your successes and accomplishments are as a result of luck or external factors then the likelihood is you have it.  Similarly, if you always put compliments and positive feedback to one side thinking people are just being nice because they have to be or you feel like anyone could have done what you achieved, the likelihood is you are letting your inner critic hold you back.

In this jam packed session, we will work with you to help you to firmly tackle your imposter head on.  During the session we will focus on:

  • What do we mean by ‘imposter syndrome”?

  • What has shaped us – what is our story?

  • Reflecting on achievements

  • Harnessing strengths and capabilities

  • Saying hello to our critical friend

  • What would we be if we were free from the imposter?

  • Strategies for staying confident and dealing with setbacks

Numbers are strictly limited.  We want to ensure a small group so that you feel safe and comfortable. The course will be held in the beautiful Miskin Manor, a short drive outside of Cardiff. 

Rest assured you will leave the day equipped with the tools and techniques to ensure sustained change and will emerge as a much more confident you!

FREE five day challenge: Goodbye Imposter, Hello Motivation!

Starting 19th September 2022

Sign up HERE to join us for our FREE five day challenge: Goodbye imposter, hello motivation - it’s time to escape self-doubt and reignite your career mojo!

In our recent survey of women in the workplace, a whopping 75% of women reported that they suffered with self-doubt or imposter syndrome. Whilst you may feel like these feelings are unique to you, we are here to reassure you that you are definitely not on your own.

The good news is that you can tackle those feelings of self-doubt and you will walk away with a variety of tools and techniques to help you tackle that annoying inner critic. We’ll also share with you some of the studies of positive psychology which we will use to help you to re-charge your motivation levels. 

By the end of the challenge, you’ll understand why you felt the way that you did, and be well on the way to a shift in mindset with a practical action plan to move forward and thrive in the second half of your career! 

Menopause at Work - Leading Positive Change

Wednesday 30th March, 2022, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. GMT

Join us for our next online event, hosted by Co-Founders Helen Sandford-Taylor and Hannah Poulton which is focused on how we can better help others, and ourselves, going through the menopause while working.

According to the CIPD, 3 out of 5 (59%) of working women between the ages of 45 and 55 who are experiencing menopause symptoms say it has a negative impact on them at work and nearly 2/3rds (65%) say they are less able to concentrate.

We at the Nonpareil Network are committed to bringing together senior professional women in the second halves of their career to work together to make the workplace for women a better place. Be sure to join us at this event to:

  • Discover some key facts and figures about the menopause

  • Find out about what other organisations are doing to effectively support those going through the menopause at work

  • Gain an understanding of what employees should expect from their employers with regard to the menopause

You'll come away from the event with lots of ideas around how workplaces can support people going through the menopause and a clear action plan on how you can influence your employer to make a positive difference. 

We are also delighted to be joined by Jayne Woodman, our guest speaker, who works with organisations to embed best menopause practices.

Tickets £9:00 via Eventbrite

This event has now finished but you can catch-up and read all about it HERE.

Building a better future for women in the workplace - Online networking event

Friday 14th January 2022, 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. GMT

Online event, hosted by Co-Founders Helen Sandford-Taylor and Hannah Poulton. We’ll be sharing the findings of our recent Women in the Workplace Survey along with the insights from our recent focus groups. We’ll also be discussing the issues that women face, or have faced, in the workplace as they progress through their careers.

You’ll meet like minded professional women in small group breakout sessions and we’ll be rounding off the event with a panel discussion on how we can work together to create a better future - both now and for future generations of women in the workplace. We are absolutely thrilled to have three amazing women on our panel who bring with them a huge breadth of diverse experience:

Tickets £9:00 via Eventbrite

This event has now closed, you can read up all about it HERE.