
Articles, insights, features, interviews and latest news. 

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Why I love small talk!
Hannah Poulton Hannah Poulton

Why I love small talk!

Small talk can feel like a tedious waste of time. But most relationships start with small talk - and it can be the gateway to many positive connections.

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Our story: how the Nonpareil Network was born
Helen Sandford-Taylor Helen Sandford-Taylor

Our story: how the Nonpareil Network was born

Co-founders Helen and Hannah talk about how their positive working relationship and strong friendship came about and ultimately inspired them to set up the Nonpareil Network.

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How to be a confident public speaker
Hannah Poulton Hannah Poulton

How to be a confident public speaker

Even the most confident amongst us can feel nervous when it comes to public speaking. We look at some of the things you can do to overcome the nerves and give a great presentation.

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5 Top tips on mentoring - how to make it work for you
Helen Sandford-Taylor Helen Sandford-Taylor

5 Top tips on mentoring - how to make it work for you

Mentoring can be a great way to help you navigate your career, but only if the mentor and mentee relationship is a good fit and an effective one. Here are our top tips on how to get the most out of your mentoring.

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What does gravitas mean to you?
Hannah Poulton Hannah Poulton

What does gravitas mean to you?

The dictionary definition of the word is “dignity, seriousness, or solemnity of manner”. In the workplace, does it mean something different?

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Stop creating competitions that don’t exist
Hannah Poulton Hannah Poulton

Stop creating competitions that don’t exist

At the Nonpareil Network, we firmly believe that everyone has their own different version of success, and we want to help women achieve and celebrate theirs, whatever it may be. We are all working towards different things that mean success and happiness for us - so there should be no competition, as we are all working towards different end goals.

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What’s your relationship with exercise like?
Hannah Poulton Hannah Poulton

What’s your relationship with exercise like?

As many of you will no doubt be starting off the new year with resolutions around being fitter, Hannah has shared her experience with exercise and has provided some great tips to make your exercise goals stick in 2022.

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Time to take back control in an uncertain world
Helen Sandford-Taylor Helen Sandford-Taylor

Time to take back control in an uncertain world

With this new strain of Covid, many feel helpless and not in control as the threat of new restrictions are imposed upon them. But we can focus our energy to look at what is in our direct control to ensure we don’t become overwhelmed with the current situation. Here’s how..

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The highs and lows of remote working
Hannah Poulton Hannah Poulton

The highs and lows of remote working

We take a look at the highs and lows of home working during the pandemic and explore some of the things we can all do to make sure that the highs are not outweighed by the lows

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Here’s to being more festive than frazzled this Christmas
Helen Sandford-Taylor Helen Sandford-Taylor

Here’s to being more festive than frazzled this Christmas

Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year, but it can also be one of the most stressful, especially for women who seem to inadvertently accept the role of programme manager for the whole shebang on top of their day job. So how do you ensure you’re more festive than frazzled this year?

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No buts allowed!
Hannah Poulton Hannah Poulton

No buts allowed!

How often do you find yourself mentioning something you’ve achieved, or that you’re proud of, only to then downplay your success in the next breath with a huge but? At Nonpareil Network we want you to ditch the buts, seriously there are no buts allowed, nope, not even small buts.

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The Difference between Coaching and Mentoring
Helen Sandford-Taylor Helen Sandford-Taylor

The Difference between Coaching and Mentoring

Do you know the difference between coaching and mentoring and why does it even matter? The problem is that not being clear about the differences can lead to the wrong sort of support being given to employees. This article considers the differences and equips leaders with the knowledge of when to apply both.

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Informal mentoring - Offering advice
Hannah Poulton Hannah Poulton

Informal mentoring - Offering advice

You don’t have to be in a formal mentoring role to offer advice. We have found that offering advice, suggestions and feedback, in the right situation, goes down really well and is really be appreciated. So how can you do this without coming across as a know it all?

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